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Presentation Of Buddha And Buddha Disciples’ Relics To Vihara Ekayana Arama Indonesia | 母婴周刊网
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Presentation Of Buddha And Buddha Disciples’ Relics To Vihara Ekayana Arama Indonesia

奶粉 admin 84次浏览 0个评论

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Presentation Of Buddha And Buddha Disciples’ Relics To Vihara Ekayana Arama Indonesia

(WAki International Media Center 24rd Oct) The speech of Dr. Teo Choo Guan, President of Waki Relic Museum in presentation of Buddha and Buddha Disciples’ Relics to Vihara Ekayana Arama, Indonesia ceremony on 18th October 2022.

Good morning to Venerable Bhikku Aryamitri, Venerable Bhikkhu Dharmavimala, Venerable Sayadaw U sumana, all the Sangha members from Malaysia, Indonesia, Myanmar and Thailand, brothers and sisters in dhamma, relatives, friends and all Waki Family members. Today is an auspicious day that we are honoured to be present at the enshrinement of the Buddha and his disciple’s relics in the Waki Relic Pagoda Ceremony.

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My heartfelt thanks that we had met the late Sayadaw U Kittivara, who was so trusting and supportive us during his lifetime. Therefore, we will carry out the Relic Missionary works continually and fulfill the wishes of the late Sayadaw on preserve and enshrine the Buddha and His Disciples’ relics for flourish and prolong the Buddhism into another 2,500 years. After the buddha had attained nibbana, many generations of great masters preserved the relics carefully and used them to propagate the teachings of Buddha and to practice the dharma to gain wisdom. There are many different methods were used to propagate Buddhism. The masters used the relics, the Tipitaka, chanting and meditation. They practised the sila, samathi and meditation. They also built monasteries, pagodas and buddha images. Murals and art work on the life of Buddha were also used to preserve the heritage of buddhism even until this day. Today, representatives from different countries have gathered here to build and receive the relics of the Buddha and his disciples to enshrine in many different parts of the world. Our presence here is not a coincidence. We are able to meet today on this joyous occasion because of the good deeds we have done in this life.


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Although the candle is small, it is a ray of light to the darkness. Relics are the holy veneration from the Buddha and his disciples for devotees to enshrine and pay homage. The late Sayadaw U Kittivara said that the relics of buddha and his disciples represents the ray of light that lights up the whole world and connect the global Buddhists in this new era salute to and recite the great virtues of the Buddha. I strongly believe that when we have completed the enshrinement of the 84,000 Waki relic pagodas in the temples and pagodas all over the world, the teachings of Buddhism will flourish and will bequeath the future generations the chances to enshrine and pay respect to the Buddha Relics. Therefore, I hope we will continue this missionary effort together to flourish and propagate the Buddha sasana to another 2500 years.

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Lastly, I would like thanks to Sayadaw U Sumana, Bhikkhu Aryamaitri, Bhikkhu…and all Sangha members visit Waki Relic Musuem and give us the blessing. Besides, thanks to all the guests takes your time for participate and witnessing the ceremony. I wish all of you have good health, wisdom, good business and wish be fulfilled and free from the disaster. Sadhu Sadhu Sadhu.

A group of people in robes outside a building

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